Story 6:
Story 7:
I was driving to work one morning on the highway I always take. As I’m trucking along, I notice that the car ahead of me has a rear passenger, and they seem to be looking at me. Now, mind you, I’m doing about 65 mph, and while my eyesight isn’t bad, it also isn’t 20/20. Regardless, this person seems to be staring me down.
Initially, I don’t pay it a lot of attention, thinking it might just be a kid or someone trying to get a rise out of other morning motorists. However, the closer I get, I notice that the passenger isn’t moving. Closer still, I realize what it really is—the owner of the car has replaced his rear headrest with a fully made-up mannequin head… facing backward.
I immediately slowed down and put some distance between him and myself, out of fear he might memorize my license plate.
Story 8:
Story 9:
I was about 15 and babysitting a neighbor girl down the road from my parent’s house. The house was older, but I never thought it was “creepy.” They also had this awful rat terrier that barked at everything—the worst dog ever.
Once the girl went to bed, I sat in the living room watching TV. The dog started freaking out, but instead of barking at the door like usual, she began barking at the corner of the room. Then she would run to another room, bark, and come back to where I was like she was following something.
Finally, she stayed in the kitchen, barking for a solid two minutes.
Afraid she’d wake the girl up, I went into the kitchen to quiet her down. When I walked in, I froze—every single cabinet door in the kitchen was open. All of them! I grabbed the dog and ran back to the living room. After she stopped barking, I went back into the kitchen and closed everything. Thankfully, the dad came home soon after.
I refused to babysit there again, and my parents never believed me. I still get freaked out when I think about it.
Story 10:
My 27 y.o. wife died unexpectedly and I’ve been raising our 4 y.o. son alone. I still keep her phone by my bedside. Last night, it chimed—there was a text: ’’Trix, I’ll be home in 20 mins.’’ It felt eerie —Trix was her nickname in college. But then I fully broke down when I saw a reply being typed back. It said, “I miss my daughter. I can’t stop thinking about her. I will not wait any longer. We should finalize our plan on how to bring her from her dad’s house tonight!
I started searching through her phone and froze in shock when I found her chat history. There were hundreds of text messages from the past couple of weeks and conversations with this guy we both knew from our college days.
My world fell apart, and I can’t tell if this is real or if someone is playing a cruel game with me. For now, I will make sure my son sleeps next to me.