50 Things To Toss Today For A More Organized, Decluttered Home

Are you in the midst of a KonMari-inspired cleaning spree, surrounded by a mountain of belongings and feeling a bit overwhelmed? If you’re embarking on an organizational project, here’s a curated list of 50 items you should consider parting ways with to kickstart your journey toward a more tidy and organized home. Remember, when we say “throw away,” we really mean to donate, recycle, or repurpose.

Decluttering isn’t about adopting extreme minimalism; it’s about letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. Clearing out these things can make organizing your space a breeze and provide a newfound sense of freedom.

As we step into a new year, many of us are eager to embrace change, and that often begins with simplifying our living spaces. So, without further ado, here’s a list of 50 items you can bid farewell to today to instantly declutter your home and make it more organized:

  1. Old Magazines
  2. Worn-out sofa cushions
  3. Movies you never watch
  4. Scratched DVDs or Blu-rays
  5. Burnt-out candles
  6. Excess lengths of rope
  7. Games with missing pieces
  8. Dusty old books
  9. Expired or broken makeup
  10. Outdated makeup styles
  11. Nail polish that’s seen better days
  12. Stale perfume
  13. Toothbrushes with frayed bristles
  14. Half-empty bottles of products
  15. Towels riddled with holes
  16. Items untouched in the last 3 months
  17. Mismatched socks
  18. Socks beyond repair
  19. Underwear with holes
  20. Clothes neglected for over 6 months
  21. Clothes that no longer fit
  22. Lone earrings
  23. Outdated ties
  24. Worn-out belts
  25. Neglected handbags
  26. Forgotten hats and gloves
  27. Worn-out shoes
  28. Tattered blankets
  29. Flat, lifeless pillows
  30. Expired food items
  31. Unused take-out menus
  32. A stockpile of restaurant sauce packets
  33. Outdated coupons
  34. Expired cleaning products
  35. Chipped or cracked cups
  36. Leftover odds and ends
  37. Extra crisper boxes


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