New husband demands wife give stepdaughter her family heirloom instead of her own daughter

A person who owns a family heirloom takes on the responsibility of being its custodian, making sure it is passed down securely from one generation to the next.

But for one woman, when her new husband suggested a different strategy, this straightforward idea took a very bad turn.

The 35-year-old woman posted her problem on Reddit, where she sought advice. She explained that her family custom of giving an emerald necklace to the oldest son or daughter on their 14th birthday was the root of her problem. This treasured artifact is scheduled to be given to Emily, her daughter, on her forthcoming 14th birthday in January 2024.

The woman revealed that she and her spouse Joey had been dating for four years and that they had both had daughters from prior relationships. They had been married for two years.

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Even though Joey knew about the family custom and the woman’s plan to give Emily the necklace, he made an outrageous suggestion during a discussion about Christmas gifts.

Joey suggested that the emerald jewelry be given to his daughter Sophia instead, explaining that this would allow the mother to show her acceptance of Sophia as her daughter. The wife, uncomfortable with this notion, clarified that Emily, her daughter, was excited to receive the necklace and was aware of the family custom. Sadly, Joey was really obstinate and wouldn’t alter his mind.

Indeed, he accused his wife of showing partiality, saying that she was being conceited and that she could easily buy Emily another necklace on Amazon! But the woman refused to back down, adamant that Emily would inherit her family heirloom regardless of Joey’s opinion.

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