Mariska Hargitay was able to adopt children of different races, including one who “fell from the sky,” despite the difficult adoption process… Learn more below…

They picked the name Amaya for their daughter because it means “princess,” “warrior,” and “night rain” in a variety of languages. Prior to the birth of their child, the parents made the decision that they wanted their daughter to have the same initials as August.

They were completely unprepared for the birth of their third kid. After they had Amaya adopted, August expressed interest in having a sibling, and Hargitay said that the time was right for them to have a family at that point in their lives. In her words:

“A miracle took place, and our second son, Andrew, landed in our backyard after falling out of the sky,”

They had just begun to adjust to the idea of having a new member of their family when their good friend Andrew passed away, and soon after that, their lawyer contacted them to tell them that they were going to have a baby boy who was two months early and quite frail.

The little boy had just recently been discharged from the neonatal critical care unit, and he was now available for adoption. The couple decided to go to the hospital to see the birth mother, who had gone through a lot by the time they did.

The whole event took place quite quickly, and in only a few of days, they welcomed a new member into their family. Andrew is the name that Hermann and Hargitay gave their son in memory of a buddy who passed away.

The actress, whose family comes from a variety of backgrounds, has said that her children are unique and do not react the same way to the same things. Due to the fact that Andrew was born preterm, he participated in “Big Muscles” lessons.

His growth and sense of equilibrium improved as a result of the class. Amaya is a very musical person; in the presence of music and drumming, she becomes animated and begins to dance.

On the other hand, all of them were enrolled in swimming courses since water is a concern for any parent, and Hargitay wanted to ensure that all of her children understood what to do while they were in it. In addition to this, she is very interested in finding out what each kid enjoys doing so that she can encourage and assist them.

August took great pride in his job as an elder brother and always wished there were more children in the house. It seemed as if he desired another sister so that the family might have an even distribution of males and females.

According to Hargitay, who has strong feelings toward her family and is a mother who is very involved in her children’s lives,

“My children have helped me become a better parent by instructing me to pay more attention to what they have to say. My kids are my instructors, and my spouse is the compass that guides me through life.”

Hargitay is of the opinion that she would never have wanted it any other way due to the fact that their family is the ideal one for her, and despite the difficulties, they had had in the early years of attempting to adopt a child.

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