Single Dad Helps Elderly Lady Mow Her Lawn, Receives Shocking Call From Her Lawyer

Felix, a single dad, was enjoying some downtime at home when he suddenly heard the sound of a lawnmower. Out of curiosity, he stepped outside and discovered Mrs. McAllister, his elderly neighbor, grappling with the task of mowing her lawn.

He was taken aback by her decision to take on such a task, so he kindly offered his assistance. Felix couldn’t help but wonder why Mrs. McAllister’s son, who didn’t come over very often, wasn’t helping her.

After finishing the yard work, Mrs. McAllister kindly invited Felix into her home and graciously offered him a refreshing glass of lemonade. Afterwards, she gave him a mysterious box, insisting that he accept it as a gesture of her appreciation. Felix reluctantly agreed to it. Additionally, she kindly gifted him a bag of apples for his daughter, Suzie.

While at home, Suzie stumbled upon some papers containing codes hidden within a bag of apples. She thought there was a connection between them and the box, but Felix chose to give it back. The following day, he arrived at Mrs. McAllister’s house, only to discover that she had unfortunately passed away overnight.

After a few days, Felix decided to do some online research on the box and to his surprise, he found out that it held immense historical value, estimated to be worth more than $250,000. He experienced a blend of happiness and apprehension, uncertain about whether to hold onto it. However, he recalled that Mrs. McAllister had expressed her desire for him to possess it.

Later, Felix received a call from Tim, Mrs. McAllister’s lawyer, asking for a meeting. While enjoying a cup of coffee at a nearby cafe, Felix unexpectedly crossed paths with Tim and Henry, Mrs. McAllister’s son. To Felix’s surprise, Henry wasted no time in accusing him of stealing the box. Henry tried to persuade Felix to give it back by offering him $1,000, but Felix stood his ground and claimed that Mrs. McAllister had given it to him.

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