While the rice is cooking, heat a pan on the highest setting with one tablespoon or more of oil (olive oil can also be used; sesame, rapeseed, or coconut oil are the best options).
When it is warm, put the tofu in and keep cooking for five minutes, whenever it is brownish.
While the tofu is cooking, add your harder vegetables (like mushrooms) to a hot skillet that has been coated with oil (coconut, sesame, or rapeseed work well here).
After letting, it cook for five to ten minutes, add softer veggies (such as spinach or kale) to the pan.
Once soft, reduce the heat.
The coconut rice is almost ready. Verify that the rice is soft and fluffy, add a small amount of additional coconut milk, and a pinch or two of salt, and reduce the heat to low.
Arrange the ingredients on your plate: grains, veggies, and tofu. Finish with additional teriyaki sauce and any toppings.
Store leftovers in a cool place, covered, for up to 6 days.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can we add any type of oil to it?
Yes, we can add any type of oil to this recipe.
Nutritional facts:
Fiber: 3 g.
Cholesterol: 0 mg.
Total fat: 14 g.
Sodium: 580 mg
Total fat: 1.5 g
Calories: 294 kcal.
Carbohydrates: 38 g